A friend once wrote of a nightmare time when his wife,[ not into spirituality at all] had wanted “out” after an affair but said it was over and wanted to rebuild the marriage. Despite this she often stayed on at her fitness club to play poker after workouts with friends.
Fraught with anxiety, trying to see her as reformed by what she said was her new commitment to the marriage, he tried to see her as God’s honest child, governed by the one Mind. Many times he was tempted to ring up one of these friends, who understood, to check out what was going on! after many times he did this once and learned all was ok but despite his relief, felt as though he had fallen off a mental ladder. He had to start trusting her Christlike qualities all over again in a fresh way that would make him stronger for following nights and it did! This trust in the truth about her brought new freedom to both of them and they started to work off the same page again!
Many months later he realised that it was through seeing her unadulterated perfection which had given him the confidence to actbrightly and normally when she got back late!
She had not known without his help of a way to build herself up again and it wasn’t long before she got over her depression and resumed bringing back all her dynamism and flair back into the home.
So it was all just a nightmare after al! but the husband could have made it even worse if he’d reacted to it , [given reality to it] and made her feel more awful. {sin is defined by one tribal group as like missing the target when firing an arrow…. when it’s just a mis-take}. `Nothing to be something. Or like a lie about our God, Christlike integrity, trying to rear it’s ugly head in society and become a monster. Jesus said “Get behind me Satan”. Christian Science calls Satan, an erroreous thought! It had no power to push Jesus himself therefore came to Jesus as his own thought, tempting him to jump and become famous overnight!
We are often tempted in the same way like the husband in the above testimony in order to fix things throughwill power and material ways and means! Instead we should trust God that his true image and likeness will appear naturally in all of us as we realise his power is good and omnipotent when we turn to him.
This is the uplifting quote from Science and Health [p475] that this man said he found so helpful! It was on p475
“….. earnestly seek the spiritual status of man, which is outside of all material selfhood.
In this perfect man the Saviour saw God’s own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick. Thus Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is intact, universal, and that man is pure and holy. “