"Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat?"
“When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat?”
Here in Sunday School Olly (4 yrs old) has learnt abut how so many people loved to follow Jesus to hear all the stories about the wonderful kingdom of heaven on earth and experience wonderful healings.
After listening they were hungry and needed something to eat.
Jesus asked if anyone had any bread but no one had anything except a young lad who had five loaves and 2 fishes. But despite such scarcity Jesus thanked God as he broke the bread up! He gave it to the disciples whom passed it round and miraculously there was enough to go round over 5,000 people.
To illustrate the occasion we had some play-dough loaves! I had put them in the oven earlier…. they were still warm and had the soft consistency of bread!
Olly, in the picture, decided to give pieces to all toy people in the model!!! And then he made his own pretend loaves and put them on the oven tray counting them all very carefully. They went into the still warm oven and should be hard and well preserved by next week!
THIS IS A MODEL OF THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT - made last year by Curtis (now 5 yrs old) which I used to to illustrate the way Jesus taught. The fish and the loaves are beside it.
Curtis put Jesus (made of play-dough) at the top and little people below. Like the people in the open book they are learning how the kingdom of heaven is within them.
We all have the kingdom of heaven within us… the place where God reigns supreme over us, protecting us. It’s a place where we can feel safe and know thatblossoming qualities such as kindness, happiness, great expectancy, and love can create in us a happy peaceful state of mind. In this happy state of mind we know we can see God as the King of our kingdom, healing every ill that comes to us know that we can act with intelligence, persistence, strength and bravery.
Here is Olly [showing Holly who’s in another class] countingall the loaves he is going to bake.