In the sciences, laws establish and prove their structure as correct.
In Christian Science it’s the same!
This God given law for Jesus was, “Thou shall have no other god’s before me” (Exodus 20) which establishes the deal. Total commitment…then man united with God.
God and man are one.
If you have this one [principle God who is all-in-all] it is impossible to have an error as there can be no deviation from it! Everything stacks up!
For this reason Jesus employed this principle, God being all-in-all!
As a drop of water is one with the ocean so God and man are one in being!
“This is a testimony of how this concept works:
A dog went for my cantering horse …. in the park and I was thrown…. I immediately claimed this law of harmony for the dog walker, the dog the horse and me, and shouted out “I’m OK” as I flew through the air!
In that moment I turned completely to God, I appealed to a higher law of harmony and well-being. And knew that my oneness with God would have an effect.
I was ok and sitting up in no time still holding the reins; so the horse could not bolt off onto a main road on his own!
The dog owner came to check on us and asked why I had called that out - and I told her that I wanted her to know it was the only outcome. I said to her that was because God is all-in-all!”